
Are you interested in becoming a member at Gateway, or learning more about who we are?  If so, we want to invite you to join us for our four week membership class:  Foundations!


Yes!  If you have not already come to a Discover Gateway lunch at Pastor Grady's home, we want to invite you to do that as well.  Discover Gateway is a more informal time to learn about the big picture of Gateway - who we are and what it looks like to be part of this local church.  It is an opportunity to get to know some of the leaders as well while we share a meal together.  However, you are welcome to do these two steps in any order.  If it works best to come to Foundations first, you are welcome to do so!

The next Discover Gateway is scheduled for Sunday September 29.  Click here to learn more about it.


We understand membership in a local church to be a commitment to shepherd you spiritually, and a commitment from you to be part of a church family where you serve others and are part of their lives.  This commitment is a serious one, and we want to explore it with you before you join.

Each of the four weeks will be taught be a different elder, giving you an opportunity to get to know various leaders in the church  Each lesson will be a foundational topic that is important to understand before you join this, or any church:

  • What is the Gospel?
  • What is the Church?
  • What is worship?
  • What are the spiritual disciplines?

This four week class is a required part of the membership process, but you are welcome to come learn more without any obligation.


The Foundations class is held twice a year - once in the fall and once in the spring. 

The next Foundations class will meet for four Sundays beginning October 6 and going through October 27 .  We will gather each of those Sundays at 9:00 a.m.  Childcare for all ages (birth through teenagers) is available during this time through their Sunday Bible Study classes.


If you have any questions, please email or call the church office.