We are excited to announce that Kids Worship for 1st to 4th graders returns on March 14!
Kids Worship is during the sermon part of the weekly worship service. During the first part of the service, children and parents are together in the sanctuary, enabling them to praise God together in song, pray together, and be together for special parts of the services like baptisms and baby dedications. Each Sunday after the prayer time (just before the sermon), children in grades 1-4 will be dismissed from the sanctuary for Kids Worship. Childcare for birth to K5 continues to be available during the entire service.
Gateway Kids Worship features The Gospel Project Curriculum. The children will dig deeper into applying the lesson they learned in the Sunday Bible Study time before the service. In addition, the children will review the catechism question and answer that Pastor Grady is teaching on that morning, so they are ready to learn it at home with their parents during the week.
Also new for 2021 - Several of Gateway's elders and their wives will be leading in Kids Worship! This will provide the children a great opportunity to get to know the elders personally. The elders are looking forward to their time with your kids!
Mark your calendars! Kids Worship is back March 14!